Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Best News Today


In order to fully understand my excited-ness over this news I should probably give a bit of background info first.  Once upon a time, many years ago, I worked in the financial field.  I was pretty much fresh outta high school almost when I got the position.  A few years in, I decided that I wanted to go to college to get my degree in Childhood Education.  

So off I went, and what a freakin mistake that was looking back on it now.  Don't get me wrong I love kids, still do, but there are a lot of political aspects to the teaching field that I hadn't really learned about until my Junior year of college ( a dollar short and a day late for that info).  I did recently graduate with a BS degree in Education but had no heart to look for a teaching position, not to mention in NY most elementary positions are given to internal candidates or you're up against 200-300 other applicants.  

Well fast forward from last August till today, and I got a call from my old boss, who heard it through the grapevine that I was still unemployed.  She informed me that she had position available and would love to have me come back.  I am soooo friggin excited that I finally can say I have a job again, one with benefits and a nice paycheck.  

Although I took a detour and am now in thousands of dollars in dept from a decision I wish I would have thought about much more back in the day, I am finally on my way back to success.  So Mr. J and I are going to celebrate with a nice dinner out on the town.  

See you soon,
From the girl whose no longer unemployed :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

So Very Typical of Me

To make a first post months ago and forget to come back bahaha.  So much is going on in my life right now that I've gotta stop and check to make sure my head is still attached.  We were graciously given, yes I said given, a house by my in-laws.  Mr. J and I are super stoked!! We've rented our entire relationship.. so that's about 8 years now.  I thought we were going to be doomed to rentersland for evah, especially with student loans overtaking our lives. 

The gift comes with a price tag though. It needs a TON of tender lovin care and patience.  I can give it the TLC, I'll have to work on the patience part.  So over the last few weeks we've had the exterior of the house painted, hardwoods on the first floor refinished, purchased lament hardwood for upstairs, ripped out ceilings and paneling in the dining room and living room, knocked out walls, and began the spackeling the walls and picking out paint colors.  I will most likely post photos as we progress.  I have a few shots of the exterior of the house.  We still need to spruce up the porch and landscape someday (kinda not top priority right now lol). 
But here she is, our very first house :) 

I have a TON of packing to do, so I best hop to it.  Will be sure to stop by more often
See you soon,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's a Friggin Daunting Task

I go through this shit every time I start a new blog.  I somehow find myself  intimidated by the first post.  It feels like I'm sitting in front of a room of people and can't get my mouth to work.  I wanna tug at my shirt collar and take a big swig of water haha. 

But uhh here goes, recently I decided that I'm growing tired of having a bunch of separate blogs for different things.  Like for some reason, these parts of me cant be combined into one place.  I was afraid to make it a collage of random things for fear of scaring people away, but honestly this is more for my sanity than anything else :).  I am a passionate person whose mastered the art of obsession. You'll soon understand what I mean ::smirk::. 

So I say, welcome to the madhouse.  Be sure to keep your umbrella and rubber boots handy, it might get a lil messy in here. 

~See you soon